Tonsillitis - Adult - Amoxicillin (reduced duration - context of amoxicillin shortage)



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Faire pratiquer :
Amoxicilline - 1 gramme - Tablets
Amoxicilline - 1 gramme
Amoxicilline - 1 gramme - voie Oral route
Amoxicilline - Tablets - voie Oral route
Amoxicilline - Tablets
Amoxicilline - voie Oral route
Amoxicilline - 1 gramme - Tablets - voie Oral route

<p>1 tablet every 12 hours.</p>

Durée : 5 days.
5 days.
Paracétamol - 500 mg - Tablets
Paracétamol - 500 mg
Paracétamol - 500 mg - voie oral route
Paracétamol - Tablets - voie oral route
Paracétamol - Tablets
Paracétamol - voie oral route
Paracétamol - 500 mg - Tablets - voie oral route

<p>In case of pain or fever (above 38.5°C), take 1 or 2 tablets (either 500 mg or 1000 mg per dose).</p>

Durée : 7 days
7 days

<p><strong>Wait at least 6 hours between 2 doses of paracetamol.</strong><br>Do not exceed 3 grams per day without a doctor's advice.<br>Check for the presence of paracetamol in your other medications to avoid an overdose that could lead to serious and irreversible liver damage.</p>

Consignes pour le/la patient(e) :
Cliquez sur le nom du médicament pour connaître ses contre-indications et précautions d'emploi
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Conseils patients

<p>The sore throat you have is caused by bacteria.</p><p>To reduce the risk of complications, it is important to seriously follow the antibiotic treatment for its entire duration, <strong>even if symptoms disappear</strong>.</p><p>To relieve pain, taking paracetamol is advised. However, <strong>the use of anti-inflammatories or corticosteroids increases the risk of complications and should be avoided.</strong></p><p>Symptoms usually disappear in 1 to 4 days. If symptoms persist beyond this period, consult your doctor again.</p><p>To learn more about sore throats, <strong>scan the QR code.</strong></p>